5 Eco Friendly Ways to Clean Carpets

5 Eco Friendly Ways to Clean Carpets

Using Eco friendly methods to clean your carpet is a great alternative to traditional chemicals. These methods are easy to apply and great for warding off stains, smells, and other damage. By using Eco friendly methods, you can eliminate the use chemicals that may be hazardous to your pets and children. All these methods can be performed by you and you can find items to assist from your home. Below are 6 recommended eco-friendly methods you can use to keep your carpets clean.
1.) Vacuuming
Vacuuming consistently is the best way to reduce dust and dirt particles from embedding themselves and staying into your carpet. If you clean your carpet before vacuuming, it may cause dirt, dust, and debris to get stuck in the carpet fibers or spread to become larger. So, vacuuming your rug regular is a great eco friendly way to preserve your carpets.
2.) Spot Treatments
Before you purchase carpet cleaning products, you can spot clean your carpets using simple household ingredients. This will help with targeting problem areas. There are a variety of household items you can use to help treat stains.
  • Salt is great to treat mud, dirt, and wine stains.
  • You can use club Soda for coffee stains.
  • You can use cornstarch or cornmeal for grease stains.
Using these solutions are eco- friendly ways to help eliminate any stains and dirt that could occur over time due to high traffic areas. At the same time there are other organic materials you can use to combat dirt and grime by just looking in your kitchen.
· Using backing soda overnight is a great way to eliminate any odors that may be lingering in your carpet. Expose to direct sunlight and fresh air is another way to help eliminate odors for a more natural way.
3.) Steam Cleaning
Steam cleaning is a great way to eliminate dirt, and grime. The steam cleaning machine will spray your carpet with cleaning solution then hot water activates the ingredients in the solution. Then, a wet vac dries up after. If you would like to rejuvenate your carpet this is a great way to do so, and it eliminates having to keep up with the task of cleaning yourself. You can buy or rent machines for this. Hiring a professional cleaning company will give you better results for each cleaning.
4.) Carpet and Rug Shampoo
Some available products in the store are plant-based that can help eliminate dirt and odor. Most plant-based formulas are formulated to be gentle enough that they will not damage and break down the fibers of your carpet.
5.) Make your own Solution
If you want to DIY your carpet cleaning, another idea is to make your own organic cleaning solutions. There are plenty of formulas you can find on the internet that would be perfect for removing stains and dirt.
DIY Natural/Organic Carpet Cleaner:
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 18 drops natural/organic essential oil
  • 1 teaspoon liquid soap
  • Mix baking soda and essential oil.
  • Add liquid soap and mix, until a creamy paste forms.
  • Apply to spots on carpet. Scrub and blot dry.
If you ever need to hire a carpet cleaning professional, please call the experts at Blue’s Carpet Cleaning at (719) 494-1440. We would love to help you with all your carpet cleaning needs.