We already have high traffic in our homes, and sometimes we forget about the furry members of our families who also contribute to bringing in dirt to our homes. When a pet makes a stain on your carpet make sure you take the proper steps to remove the stain. Don’t make these common mistakes that could leave your carpet damaged.
When we first encounter a pet stain our first instinct is to scrub the carpet to try to remove the stain as quickly as possible. By doing this it can be damaging to the carpet. When a pet brings in mud or has an accident the best thing to do to protect the fibers of your carpet is to dab the stain and not scrub. Scrubbing the stain only pushes the dirt deeper into the carpet fibers. In the long run this could cause odors that are hard to dissolve over time. Dabbing the spot helps lift the stain and protect the carpet fibers from further damage. It reduces the chances of pushing the dirt deeper in the fibers and avoids odors. The best thing to use to remove a pet stain is a clean cloth, pet stain remover or warm water and soap. This will help make cleaning the spot easier to remove.
Letting the Stain Settle into the Carpet
The longer the stain sets the harder it is to remove. Therefore, you should take the preventative measure to always be on the look out for potential pet stains. If you can treat the stain right after it occurs, it can increase the longevity of your carpet’s life. Learning to remove stains the correct way will help reduce dirt build up and improve air quality. Also, if you can keep pets off the carpet when you are not present that will help with reducing risks for accidents and stains that could potentially reach deeper in to your carpet fibers because you are unable to attend to the stain right away.
Not Using Professional Steam Cleaners